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Our aim is simply expressed by our title. We want to:

  • Be with Jesus: We can’t go back in time to join his first followers, but we can hear and respond to him through this reliable and trustworthy witness to the events surrounding Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
  • Become like him: as we spend time with Jesus he wants us to respond to him and his teaching – personally and together by faith
  • Share his news with others: everyone needs to hear God’s offer of forgiveness and resurrection life in Jesus


This is an epic journey with Jesus and his first followers through Luke’s Gospel.

The setting is the Middle East, a melting pot of history. Doctor Luke sets to work carefully investigating the events of one man’s life who turned his world upside down – a man who changed his life and whose life changed history. He then writes them all down in a letter to send to his friend Theo – Theophilus (which means ‘lover of God’). Luke wants Theo ‘to know the certainty of the things you have been taught’ (Luke 1:4) about how God kept the promise made to send Jesus his Son to establish a kingdom for people from all nations.

The key character is

born in obscurity to a carpenter’s family in a village in occupied territory

praised in life as the long-awaited king God promised

dies in rejection at hands of the authorities Jerusalem

raised in power to offer God’s victory over death and forgiveness to all people

Join in the Journey

There are 3 ways to join this journey with Jesus:

The first is the regular Journey with Jesus on Sunday mornings @ 10.30 at the chapel.

We will focus on Jesus’ ministry in Galilee from Luke 4-9. We want to encounter Jesus himself and learn more about who he is and how he calls us to respond to him.

Why not see if you can get here earlier on Sunday to join in prayer before the meeting. Also bring people along – family, friends and neighbours, especially those who want to renew their faith in Jesus Christ.

The second is the weekly Journey with Jesus Bible readings. (available from 8 Sept)

Each week will have questions for private reflection that help us take a deeper dive into Luke’s account by ourselves and with others. These can also be used informally as we talk with others.

We want to walk closely with Jesus together, so we become more like Jesus and fruitful in practicing his ways. This isn’t a new programme to add into our lives. It’s a way of life to get into more and more as we do life with others day by day.

No matter how you decide to read Luke – involving other people can really help bring the story alive and help you to keep going to the end.

 Try to get together once a week to chat about what you’re discovering, what questions you have and what you don’t understand. In my experience the people we take breaks with, visit, do sport or leisure with are often more open than we think.

 Sign up for family news to receive these by email – also make paper copies available.

The third is the monthly Journey with Jesus Big Questions for small groups. (starting in Sept)

Once a month we have opportunity to meet with others to discuss one of the big Qs people ask Jesus (and he asked them!).

If you are already part of a house group these will take place when you meet in the 3rd week of each month.

If you would like to join in this branch of a Journey with Jesus at Bethesda – and not yet part of a small group – have a word with a member of the church or fill out a welcome card. It will be no trouble to link you into a group that fits with your other commitments.

If you are interested in daytime or evening meetings to come along with invited friends, acquaintances and family members – then talk to a church member about the Wednesday night meetings we hold in the Key Café. It will be no trouble to link you into a group that fits with your other commitments.


Journey with Jesus Study Guide 1Journey with Jesus Study Guide 1Good news in word and action2024/09/14Download
Journey with Jesus Study Guide 2Journey with Jesus Study Guide 2God’s kingdom breaking in through Jesus2024/09/14Download
Journey with Jesus Study Guide 3Journey with Jesus Study Guide 3Hostility grows to God’s kingdom come in Jesus2024/09/20Download
Journey with Jesus Study Guide 4Journey with Jesus Study Guide 4Jesus constitutes the kingdom of his people2024/10/04Download
Journey with Jesus Study Guide 5Journey with Jesus Study Guide 5Jesus’ authority and compassion raises the biggest question2024/10/13Download
Journey with Jesus Study Guide 6Journey with Jesus Study Guide 6 Fruitful and Faithful? 2024/11/01Download
Journey with Jesus Study Guide 7Journey with Jesus Study Guide 7 Seeing and responding to Jesus glory 2024/11/01Download
Journey with Jesus Study Guide 8Journey with Jesus Study Guide 8 Count the cost of following Jesus 2024/11/17Download

Bethesda Baptist Church,

9 St Margaret’s Plain, Ipswich,


Office Hours Tuesday / Thursday / Friday – 08:30 – 12:30

+44 (0)1473 255035

Get in Touch

Bethesda Baptist Church Ipswich © 2025. All Rights Reserved.     

Registered Charity No. 1131973