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Bethesda has a strong world view, and firm and longstanding commitment to worldwide mission, and we support a number of evangelical Mission agencies working in different parts of the world, including A Little Bit of Hope, Bethesda, CYM, Tearfund, Barnabus Fund, Serving in Mission, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Arab World Ministries, Trans World Radio, and Elam Ministries.

Children and young people

The young people are a vital part of Bethesda. All we do with the young people helps help them develop great friendships with one another, grow in their relationship with Jesus, be encouraged and equipped to serve His Church, and to live faith out in their wider lives.

Sunday morning – Sunday School

We have a vibrant Sunday School that runs during our morning services, although the children and young people always join together with the whole Church at the start of the service. The Sunday School is structured around different age groups which helps build friendships in the age groups and helps them take a deeper look at God’s Word in an appropriate way.

Usually on the first Sunday of the month the older young people stay in for the whole Church service, and this is planned so that it very suitable for them, and on the third Sunday of every month we hold an ‘All-age’ family service which is planned to help the whole Church worship and learn together. There is no Sunday school for the older children and everyone remains in Church.

If you are visiting, and have children or young people with you, please ask one of Welcome team and they will introduce you to one of the Sunday school team.

Sunday evening – After Church

Following the evening service we have a social time for the young people and students in school year 10+. This is creatively named ‘After Church’, and our Church newsletter gives details of where this is hosted each week.

Wednesday Night – Brigades

Bethesda is home to the 21st Ipswich Boys’ Brigade and the 14th Ipswich Girls’ Brigade companies, which are very successful and strong Companies in our town. The Brigades meet on a Wednesday evening during term times, and welcome children and young people between 4 and 18.

Friday Night – Lazers

The young people love to get together at the end of the week! All in school years 7-13 are welcome, meeting in the Atrium between 7 and 9pm during term time. Please see Family News for dates.

Through the year

We also have other activities running during term time, such as House Groups – which meet on a Tuesday evening, mentoring support, active participation in our Church services, and attending other youth events in the area. We also run a Youth Weekend in the Spring and time away at Soul Survivor in the Summer.

Eighteens to Thirties

You don’t stop being young when you finish school, and we know our faith never stops needing feeding! Whether you are working or a student, those in this age group get stuck into Church Life – from coming along to After Church, to House Group, Sunday Lunches and visiting other events in the area- there are regular times to be together.

For further information on any activity for children or young people, please contact Rachel through the Church office

Parents and Toddlers

Known as PATs, it meets every Tuesday during term time at 10am in the Lower School Hall (around the back of the Church). PATs provides a safe and relaxed environment for pre-school age children, where there are plenty of toys, crafts and educational games for the children and time for tired parents (and Grandparents) to relax!

Monday Fellowship

Our Monday Fellowship group meets at 2:30pm on a Monday in the Lower School Hall (at the back of the Church) It provides a great opportunity for fellowship and worship, and a message from a guest speaker.

Wednesday Fellowship and Outreach

Wednesday Fellowship and Outreach is aimed at those who are mature in years, and who love to meet together to make and build friendships and support each other. It meets at 10:30am, on the first and third Wednesday of the month, in the Church Lounge. There is a guest speaker and a three course lunch to be enjoyed. A monthly newsletter allows the group to keep up-to-date with their many comings and goings

Momentum (Men’s group)

Momentum is an opportunity for men to meet socially, and invite others to events. The programme covers a variety of activities and visits in an informal and relaxed environment.

Female co (Ladies group) is an opportunity for our ladies to meet socially, and to invite others to great events. Female co meets bi-monthly and has 40+ attending regularly, with 100+ ladies on our mailing list, most of these being from outside the Church. There is a really varied and interesting programme, and the evenings are relaxed and informal with refreshments served, and time for chatting and building friendships.


Bethesda Baptist Church,

9 St Margaret’s Plain, Ipswich,


Office Hours Tuesday / Thursday / Friday – 08:30 – 12:30

+44 (0)1473 255035

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Bethesda Baptist Church Ipswich © 2025. All Rights Reserved.     

Registered Charity No. 1131973